Clinical Trials

ADAPT Lower back Pain

Creative Medical Technology Holdings, Inc. focuses on developing regenerative medicine & immunotherapies that seek to improve patient outcomes & quality of living.

The ADAPT clinical trial utilizes CELZ-201-DDT in the treatment of chronic lower back pain Degenerative Disc Disease. Read More →

About ADAPT Lower back Pain

Disc degeneration is the gradual breakdown of the intervertebral discs in the spine. One of the main causes of disc degeneration is a lack of blood flow to the discs. The intervertebral discs do not have a direct blood supply, they rely on diffusion of nutrients and oxygen from the surrounding tissue. When blood flow is limited, the discs are not able to receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen to stay healthy. This leads to degeneration of the disc, which can result in pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

​Back pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders of the spine is an extremely common condition that leads to enormous psychosocial and economic ramifications. It is the leading source of disability in people under 45 years of age, and it results in significant economic losses. About 70% of adults suffer from lower back pain at some points in their lifetime.  

Current Treatments

Although chronic lower back pain continues to have a tremendous and ever-increasing impact worldwide, current treatment options do not address the underlying cause. These include bed rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, and procedures such as discectomy and fusion. Approaches such as these not only are unpredictable in outcome, but also deal almost exclusively with end stage clinical manifestations, and therefore do nothing to alter the disease process itself.

Who it Impacts

Intervertebral disc degeneration was considered as the main cause for lower back pain. In addition, 95% individuals over age 50 had disc degeneration in an autopsy investigation.

​Although there is still controversy concerning the cause of chronic back pain, the vast majority of is associated with degeneration of the intervertebral disc, which can manifest in many different clinical conditions including spinal stenosis and instability, radiculopathy, myelopathy, and disc herniation.

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